Monday, October 31, 2011

Book intro and preview

I chose the book All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque because I wanted to read a famous book. So when Mr. Yost told us to pick a book, I went to Google and typed in “Famous books.” This book’s title came up and I remembered having heard of it before so I thought why not give it a try. From the back cover’s summary I can predict that the main character, Paul, is excited about going to war but then reality hits him and he encounters all kinds of horrors. He then becomes humbled and mortified by gruesome warfare but is forced to stick it out for the rest of his time. The cover also says that Paul vows to fight against the hate that makes young men fight with each other. How can he kill other people in war while trying to fight against killing other people in war? I guess I have to read to find out.

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