Friday, January 20, 2012

A Trip to Barnes & Noble

I stand outside of the store, the air is cold and crisp. I raise my arm and look at my stop watch. 30:00 is blinking on the screen. I ready my finger on the start button. I press go and run into the Barnes & Noble, I have 29 minutes and 55 seconds to find an independent reading book. I immediately speed walk past the New Releases stand at the front. I whiz by the World History collections, the Biography books, and the Almanacs, my eyes glued to a section in the back left of the store - Fiction. I look at my watch, 27 minutes and 48 seconds to go. Luckily, I was prepared. Yesterday I asked Mr. Yost for a suggestion on which F. Scott Fitzgerald novel to read. He told me to read none of them, and to choose The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. My eyes went to work, scanning the shelves for the letters "HEM." Found it! I pulled a copy of The Sun Also Rises out of the shelf. This one had a tear in the cover so I exchanged it with one in better condition. I look at the watch, 25 minutes remaining. I sprint full speed back to the front of the store and get in line at the register, anxiously tapping my foot waiting for the woman in front of me to spend about two minutes deciding which type chocolate truffle to purchase for her grandson. Finally it was my turn and the transaction was taken care of. I run out the door, almost knocking a young girl to the ground. I take one final look at the watch... I made it in time.

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